If you have been out of the area for a while and need a place to stay, or things to do, here are a few suggestions:
Check out the Englewood - Cape Haze Chamber of Commerce (www.englewoodchamber.com) for more info select Visitors. Also, check out the Boca Grande Chamber of Commerece (www.bocagrandechamber.com) also select the Visitors section.
Buchan's Landing Resort
Cindy Meals
599 W Dearborn Street
Englewood, FL 34223
(877) 282-4267
Fax: (941) 474-3033
Email: getaway@buchans.com
Website: www.buchans.com
SunBurst Condominium Association, Inc.
Susan Raymond
2450 N Beach Road
Englewood, FL 34223
(877) 669-9778
Fax: (941) 460-1958
Email: sunburst@ewol.com
Website: www.sunburstcondos.com
Veranda Inn (Offering 10% off discount)
Jerry Templeton
2073 S McCall Road
Englewood, FL 34224
(800) 633-8115
Fax: (941) 474-2050
Website: www.verandainnengelwood.com
Weston's Resort
Debbie Weston
985 Gulf Boulevard
Englewood, FL 34223
(941) 474-3431 Ext:0
Fax: (941) 473-4910
Website: www.westonsresort.com